Charitable donations to provide shelter to internally displaced persons

10,111 CFA of 500,000 CFA raised

Join Us We Need Your Help

Personal Info

To make a Mobile Money donation toward this cause, send your donation using one of the numbers below:

  1. MTN Mobile Money

Number: +237 6 51 90 71 18

Name: Tataw Lydia Arrey

2. Orange Mobile Money



For Bank Donations, please contact the Founder of LyAt Connection (Lydia Tataw) at:

Phone: +237 6 51 90 71 18


Donation Total: 100,000 CFA

The arm conflict in Cameroon has resulted to the destruction of lives and properties. For this reason, many people have lost their homes and are internally displaced. We wish to help in providing food and shelter to these internally displaced persons in Cameroon.


For Elichris Foundation, advocacy means ensuring that refugees receive legal and humane treatment. This involves supporting refugees in their efforts to claim and exercise their rights, and assisting the government and institutions for better and just responses to refugees and situations of forced displacement. Our advocacy is also aimed at enhancing the public perception of refugees, countering xenophobia and indifference, and promoting integration and social cohesion.

Join Us We Need Your Help

Personal Info

To make a Mobile Money donation toward this cause, send your donation using one of the numbers below:

  1. MTN Mobile Money

Number: +237 6 51 90 71 18

Name: Tataw Lydia Arrey

2. Orange Mobile Money



For Bank Donations, please contact the Founder of LyAt Connection (Lydia Tataw) at:

Phone: +237 6 51 90 71 18


Donation Total: 100,000 CFA